Grade Right (NZ) LTD externally audits two-thirds
of sawmills and wood products manufacturers throughout New Zealand for the purpose of checking that wood products comply with standards and are fit for purpose.
Structural timber marked with the Grade Verified brand shows the grade to which it complies (e.g. SG8), the identification mark of the company grading the timber, and the grading standard used to produce the grade.
Only companies that are licensed to Grade Right (NZ) Ltd and are continually monitored by us can use the Grade Verified Brand.
Structural timber marked with the Grade Verified brand complies with standards NZS 3603:2004 “Timber Structures (Amendment 3) and NZS 3622:2004 ”Verification of Timber Properties.” The Grade Verified timber brand signifies that the product is licensed by Grade Right (NZ) Ltd, a company with proven performance of third party monitoring and auditing of wood quality and graded timber over a range of small to large sites throughout New Zealand.
Producers of structural timber using the Grade Verified timber brand will comply with the company’s Grade Verified Quality Manual and will be subject to the audit programme administered by Grade Right (NZ) Ltd.
Grade Right (NZ) Ltd will be assisting and auditing Sawmillers licensed to use Grade Verified timber brand so that they will be able to supply VSG or MSG timber that is:
The visual grade program is an independant third party assessment of your operation's grading accuracy combined with a skill upgrade and assessment of your nominated grading employees. Grading accuracy is a key driver for any sawmilling business. Any grading issues and "we can help you!".
Treat Right as part of Grade Right also provides a treatment plant quality scheme as an Independent Verification Agency (IVA) qualified to assist and audit companies producing treated structural and non structural timber and wood products within their organisation.
The Treat Right Program audit focus is on the quality of your treatment and treatment processes. Treat Right audits are conducted quarterly (every 3 months) and provide security around your product treatment compliance.
We have a team of technically and industry experienced staff who ensure the Treat Right program is clear for all our customers on the outcomes and corrective actions and ensures your plant and associated systems are working as they should.
Currently Treat Right currently has 11 sites around New Zealand in the program and welcomes any other sites who are wanting to develop and focus on compliance issues in a pro active approach.
Timber Drying is a critical process for your final product quality.
Issues around operational problems and product quality need to be dealt with quickly
We Can Offer a range of services for your Timber Drying Operation-